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Articles in Team Composition

Effective Strategies for Using Furina's Elemental Burst in Genshin Impact Team Battles

Discover the key strategies to maximize the effectiveness of Furina's Elemental Burst 'Let the People Rejoice' in Genshin Impact team fights. Learn about optimal team composition, elemental reactions, energy recharge, and more to enhance your gameplay experience.

Weisy inNahida

Exploring the Best 4-Star Catalysts for Nahida in Genshin Impact

A comprehensive guide to the top five four-star catalysts for Nahida in Genshin Impact, highlighting the strengths and unique benefits of each weapon to optimize Nahida's performance in various gameplay situations.

Weisy inRaiden Shogun

Maximizing Raiden Shogun's Effectiveness: Ideal Cross-Elemental Teammates in Genshin Impact

Explore the best cross-elemental teammates for Raiden Shogun in Genshin Impact, focusing on characters who enhance Electro abilities, provide buffs, and assist in energy regeneration. This guide highlights characters like Xingqiu, Bennett, Kazuha, and others, explaining their synergy and contribution to a powerful team with Raiden Shogun.

Boosting Yoimiya's Efficiency in Genshin Impact: A Newbie's Guide

This guide provides essential tips for new 'Genshin Impact' players on how to quickly enhance Yoimiya's combat efficiency. It covers weapon and artifact choices, team compositions, combat tactics, and resource management to help beginners master Yoimiya's gameplay.